Your Trusted Partner in Debt Recovery Solutions

Maximize Recovery Rates with Our Expert Team and Proven Methods

Experienced and Certified Service Provider

Our experienced team is dedicated to providing seamless debt recovery services for businesses of all sizes. We understand the unique challenges each debtor presents, allowing us to strategize effectively for every case. Accredited by major industry bodies and trusted by premium clients.

Our Vision

Our vision at R. K. Associates is to lead the way in debt recovery solutions, providing efficient, compliant, and personalized services that foster lasting partnerships. Through transparency, integrity, and innovation, we strive to deliver superior results and empower our clients to thrive in their debt recovery efforts.

OUR PREMIUM partners


Serving all of Vidarbha with our offerings.


  • Expertise: Benefit from our team's extensive experience and knowledge in debt recovery solutions tailored to the Indian market.

  • Customized Approach: Enjoy personalized debt collection strategies designed to suit your unique business needs and debtor profiles.

  • Compliance: Rest assured knowing that our collection practices adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

  • Transparency: Stay informed at every stage of the debt recovery process with clear communication and detailed reporting.

  • Efficiency: Save time and resources with our streamlined processes and proactive approach to debt resolution.

  • Professionalism: Partner with a reputable agency known for its professionalism, reliability, and commitment to client satisfaction.

  • Track Record: Trust our proven track record of successfully recovering debts for a diverse range of clients across various industries.

  • Technology: Benefit from cutting-edge tools and technologies that enhance our collection efforts and maximize recovery rates.

  • Client-Centric: Experience dedicated support and personalized service from our team, focused on achieving your debt recovery goals.

  • Long-Term Partnerships: Build a lasting partnership with a trusted ally in debt recovery, dedicated to helping your business succeed now and in the future.

2024 ©RKASSOCIATES. All rights reserved.


Tele-callingOur tele-calling service involves reaching out to debtors via phone calls to initiate discussions regarding outstanding payments. Our skilled representatives handle these calls professionally, aiming to establish rapport with debtors, understand their circumstances, and negotiate repayment plans. With clear communication and persuasive techniques, we strive to facilitate voluntary payments while maintaining a respectful and compliant approach.

Collection Team for Different BKTSWe understand that debt collections can vary significantly based on the type of debt and the debtor's profile. That's why we have specialized collection teams for different buckets (BKTS) of debt. Whether it's consumer debt, commercial debt, or any other category, our dedicated teams are equipped with the expertise and resources to address specific challenges and maximize recovery rates.

Soft & Hard CollectionsOur approach to debt collection encompasses both soft and hard collection techniques. Soft collections involve gentle reminders and communication aimed at encouraging voluntary payment without resorting to aggressive tactics. In contrast, hard collections may involve more assertive measures, such as legal action, when necessary. By employing a balanced combination of soft and hard collections, we optimize our chances of recovering debts while preserving debtor relationships.

Collection as per the Norms & RegulationsWe conduct all collection activities in strict adherence to applicable norms and regulations governing debt collection practices. Our team is well-versed in relevant laws and guidelines, ensuring that all interactions with debtors are conducted ethically and legally. By prioritizing compliance, we safeguard both our clients' interests and our reputation as a trustworthy debt recovery agency.

Fast-Track Your Debt Recovery Process

  • R. K. Associates enhances your Collection & Recovery Management processes.

  • Our team offers expertise in managing receivables and follow-up tasks efficiently.

  • Let's arrange a meeting at a time convenient for you to explore collaboration opportunities.

  • We appreciate your consideration and look forward to a positive outcome.

About US

R. K. Associates stands as a premier debt collection agency in India, specializing in bespoke debt recovery solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes. With a steadfast commitment to integrity and compliance, our seasoned team employs a range of strategies from tele-calling to legal intervention, ensuring maximum recovery while upholding ethical practices. We prioritize client relationships, fostering trust and transparency at every interaction. Our comprehensive approach encompasses data analytics and field visits, allowing us to optimize recovery outcomes effectively. At R. K. Associates, we believe in building enduring partnerships grounded in mutual respect and shared success. Thank you for considering us for your debt recovery needs.

Book a Consultation
with R. K. Associates

Get in Touch with Us

Near Medical Square Plot No.44, Hanuman Nagar Nagpur-440009
Email: [email protected]
PHONE:9545073236 / 7755951205


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